
Order a copy of Captain Kit online today!

  Captain Kit is available to purchase from: Amazon UK  Captain Kit : Holme, Kathryn, Bolton, Maggie: Books Amazon US Captain Kit: 9781738456901: Holme, Kathryn, Bolton, Maggie: Books Waterstones  Captain Kit by Kathryn Holme, Maggie Bolton | Waterstones Blackwell's  Captain Kit : Kathryn Holme (author), : 9781738456901 : Blackwell's ( Barnes and Noble  Captain Kit by Kathryn Holme, Maggie Bolton, Paperback | Barnes & Noble® ( and various other bookshops.

RoboDojo 18th January

Last weekend, Kit competed at Robodojo with Exposure and his new antweight, Isotope. Video is of Isotope winning a fight in a matter of seconds! You can find out more on his blog: All proceeds from sales of Captain Kit go towards funding the combat robots.

Commended in Friday Flash Fiction Christmas competition

Delighted that my 100 word story was commended in the recent Friday Flash Fiction Christmas competition. I use a pseudonym- Teri Wright- for that site. You can read the story here

Bargain price!

 Captain Kit is currently on special offer via Amazon. There's still time to buy a copy for a Christmas present! Captain Kit : Holme, Kathryn, Bolton, Maggie: Books

Fantastic weekend!

On Saturday 30th November, I represented City Writers at Discovery Point's Christmas Market. Many thanks to everyone who came along and bought a copy of Captain Kit.  On Sunday 1st December, I supported Kit at Battle in the Burgh. Delighted that he won each of the three first round fights with a knock-out. Unfortunately, he was beaten in the round of 16, and during the first round of the team fights. Amazing day though!  Read more about the event at Kit's blogger page  Team Fission Combat Robotics

Canongate Primary school visit

Had my first ever school visit today at Canongate Primary School. It was wonderful to have an event during Book Week Scotland . The P1 pupils enjoyed hearing me read Captain Kit. They then decorated swords and pirate ships. Kit then talked about his combat robot, Exposure, and showed them videos of his fights at Robodojo . Fantastic afternoon!  

Fife Climate Festival competition- 2nd place

Just discovered that my ballad poem 'Ballad of a better life' came 2nd in the Fife Climate Festival competition! Many thanks to the YMCA music students who transformed it into a song. Climate Action Fife | Fife Climate Festival competitions